The Library of Medical College established round about 1839 is regarded as the oldest Medical Library in British India.Abrief statement of this College Library is given below:
Library Staff (Technical) = Smt. Saswati Biswas - Librarian [B.Sc, NET (Lib. & Info. sc.)]
Sri. Raghupati Moni [B.Com. (H),]
Sri. Rupantar Ganguli [B.Sc.,]
Library Staff (Non-technical) = Group 'D' staff : 4
Working hours of the Library = From 9A.M.to7 P.M. on all working days Saturday 9A.M. to 3 P.M.
BudgetAmount = For books&journals Rs.6, 35,000/- (Rupees six lacks thirty five thousand) only during the year 2018 - 2019
No. of Books (2017 - 18) = 119
Journals subscribed for the year 2017-18 = National: 19 (Nineteen), International: 18 (Eighteen)
No. of National Journals for the year 2018 = 26 (Twenty Six)
Total no. of books as perAcc. Register = 22,200 (approx)
Total no of Library Readers = 2000(Twothousand)
No. of Books issued daily = 800 approx.
No. of Books returned daily = 800 approx.
Internate facility has been available for the benefit of faculty members, P.G.Ts.&P.D.Ts