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Medical College, Kolkata

Ashok Stombha Logo

Department - Radiotherapy

Department Details

Annual Report

Departmental Academics

Introduction :-

It is the oldest Radiotherapy department of West Bengal. The department is equipped with a Tele-cobalt machine (Theratron780C), one Linear accelerator (VARIAN TruBeam), one HDR Brachytherapy unit (Gammamed plus, VARIAN), one CT Simulator (Philips Briliance), along with day-care facility and IPD for dedicated cancer care. We have post graduate trainees for MD Radiotherapy & DRT students as well. Two new MD seats (Total 8 per year) are awaiting recognition for which MCI inspection was held on 26th June, 2020. We aim to provide optimum cancer care keeping the logistics in mind amidst the testing time of COVID 19 pandemic.

Publications (01.01.2020 – 01.12.2020)

  1. A Clinicopathological analysis of bone and soft tissue sarcoma in children and young adults: Time to adapt with the rapidly changing landscape? (Acta Medica International, June2020) – Dr. Abhishek Basu, Dr. Debottam Barman
  2. A prospective study to assess the predictive factors of radiation induced oral mucositis in head and neck carcinoma and its impact on clinical outcome: Long term results & lessons learned (Int J  Med Sci Public Health 2020;9(3):209-213.- Dr. Bidyut Mandal, Dr. Abhishek Basu

Research activities (Including Thesis) :-

  1. Role of New FIGO Staging 2018 in Treatment and Prognostication of Carcinoma Cervix – Dr. Snigdha Hazra
  2. Setup Errors using KV-Xray and KV CBCT in Head and Neck Cancers – A Single Institutional Observational Study- Dr. Bidisha Bagchi
  3. Comparison of Dosimetry and Outcomes of CT based and PET CT based Treatment Planning in non metastatic NSCLC- Dr. Janmenjoy Mondal
  4. A prospective study of evaluating nodal disease response & acute toxicity in CA cervix stage IIIC cases undergoing EBRT with nodal boost & Brachytherapy- Dr. Bhukya Swetha.
  5. A prospective study to evaluate the dosimetric benefits and clinical outcome of adaptive radiotherapy in non small cell lung cancer- Dr. Shinjini Chakrabarty
  6. A comparison of toxicity profile and compliance to hypofractionation vs conventional fractionation radical radiotherapy for intermediate to high risk carcinoma prostate. – Dr. Sk Rahamatulla

MD-PGT Class Schedule :-

Weekly Seminar & Panel discussion took place from January to March then offline classes in small group started in July and online classes on Google meet started in September.

DRT Class Schedule :-

6 Offline classes taken till March after then 20 online classes were taken, starting on 2nd September, 2020.

OPD Details (with name of the Visiting physician) :-

Monday-       Prof. Dr. Subrata Chatterjee

Tuesday-       Prof. Dr. Asit Ranjan Deb (HOD)

Wednesday-  Dr. Bidyut Mandal

Thursday-     Dr. Madhumoy Pal

Friday-          Dr. Bappaditya Chhatui, Dr. Niladri Roy

Saturday-      By Rotation

Special clinics :-

Sl. No.

Name of the clinic

Days on which held


Avg. No. of cases/day

Clinic in-charge


Palliative clinic




Dr. Madhumay Pal


Gynecological oncology




Prof. A. R. Deb
Prof. S. Ghosh (Surgical Oncology)


Pediatric oncology




Dr. Bidyut Mandal
Dr. Swarnabindu Banerjee (Medical Oncology)


Multi-disciplinary Tumour Board




Prof. A. R. Deb

Indoor Admission Beds :-

Pre-COVID, there were 46 beds (30 male, 16 female) in Green Building 5th floor.
At present, there are 4 Beds (Male-11, 12;  Female- 7, 8) in DHB Down East as Green Building has been converted into a tertiary COVID care centre.

Daycare Chemotherapy Unit :-

Daycare chemotherapy is administered to an average of 15 patients per day from 9am to 2pm, Monday to Saturday.

Annual Report

All Faculty Details

Image Name Designation Educational Qualification Registration No.
Prof. Subrata Chatterjee Professor & HOD M.D. (Radiotherapy) 47703
Dr. SWAPAN KUMAR MALLICK Professor M.D. (Radiotherapy) 57742
Dr. Bidyut Mandal Associate Professor M.D. (Radiotherapy) 54498
Dr. Bappaditya Chhatui Associate Professor D.N.B. (Radiotherapy) 57238
Dr. Niladri Roy Assistant Professor M.D. (Radiotherapy) 57857
Dr. PARNA BASU CHAKRABORTY Assistant Professor M.D. (Radiotherapy) 57564
Dr. Debottam Barman Assistant Professor M.D. (Radiotherapy) 65034
DR. SAPTARSHI BANERJEE Assistant Professor M.D. (Radiotherapy) 65951
Dr. Koustav Chatterjee Tutor (Senior Resident) M.D. (Radiotherapy) 63444
Dr. SHAMPA PRAMANIK MAITY Tutor (Senior Resident) M.D. (Radiotherapy) 63157
Dr. BITHI PAL Senior Resident M.D. (Radiotherapy) 81058
Dr. SOLANKI SAHA Senior Resident M.D. (Radiotherapy) 80684
Dr. SIDDHARTHA ADHIKARY Senior Resident M.D. (Radiotherapy) 77013
Dr. SAYAN DASGUPTA Senior Resident M.D. (Radiotherapy) 80528
Dr. SHINJINI CHAKRABARTY Senior Resident M.D. (Radiotherapy) 76643

All Residents

Image Name Details
Dr. Janmenjoy Mondal Designation - SR, Email - janmenjoymondal268@gmail.com Designation - SR, Email - janmenjoymondal268@gmail.com
Dr. Snigdha Hazra Designation - SR, Email - snigdhahazra147@gmail.com Designation - SR, Email - snigdhahazra147@gmail.com
Dr. Bidisha Bagchi Designation -SR, Email - dr.bidisha19@gmail.com Designation -SR, Email - dr.bidisha19@gmail.com
Dr. Arnab Kr Ghosh Designation -SR, Email - arnabkumarghosh27@gmail.com Designation -SR, Email - arnabkumarghosh27@gmail.com

All Non Teaching Staff

Image Name Details
Mr. Shyamal Dasgupta Designation - RT Technologist, Email - mrshyamaldasgupta@gmail.com
Mrs. Bandana Santra Designation - RT Technologist, Email - santra.bandana@gmail.com
MR. Pramod Yadav Designation - RT Technologist, Email - yadav.pramodrt.pramod@gmail.com
Mrs. Swarnali Misra Maiti Designation - RT Technologist, Email - swarnalimisra200@gmail.com
Mr. Supratim Roy Designation - RT Technologist, Email - supratim9909@gmail.com
Mrs. Seema Yadav Designation - RT Technologist, Email - seemayadav5@gmail.com
Md. Konain Designation - RT Technologist, Email - mdkonainali727@gmail.com
Mrs. Suparna Das Designation - RT Technologist, Email - sd965072@gmail.com
Mr. Siddhartha Sanyal Designation - RT Technologist, Email - siddhartharp@gmail.com
Mrs. Priyanka Manna Designation - RT Technologist, Email - manna.priyanka02@gmail.com
Mr. Debdeep Bhattacharjee Designation - RT Technologist, Email - debu.bhattacharjee9@gmail.com
Mrs. Nikhat Ara Designation - RT Technologist, Email - 999nikhatara@gmail.com
Mrs. Akashi Sadhukhan Pramanik Designation - RT Technologist, Email - akashirtlink95@gmail.com
Mrs. Razia Khatoon Designation - RT Technologist, Email - razia9528@gmail.com
Mrs. Chitralekha Yadav Designation - RT Technologist, Email - pujayadav801666@gmail.com

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