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Medical College, Kolkata

Ashok Stombha Logo

Department - IHTM

Department Details

Annual Report

Departmental Academics

  • IHTM is an autonomous institute working on all kind of Haematological disorders. It provides treatment to the ailing patients with both Benign and Malignant haematological disorders.
  • Besides rendering patient services, it is also an academic institute teaching DM in Clinical Haematology.
  • A BMT unit is opened which is performing both Autologous and Allogenic stem cell transplantation. The unit has successfully completed many transplantations till date. The success rate of the transplantation is very high.

Publication (01.01.2020 to 01.12.2020) :-

  • Prenatal Screening and Diagnosis of ß-Thalassemia in India: Is ARMS-PCR Enough?  Shouriyo Ghosh, SilaChakrabarti, Maitreyee Bhattacharyya -October 2020 Indian Journal of Haematology and Blood Transfusion
  • Interfacial Energy Driven Distinctive Pattern Formation during the Drying of Blood Droplets. RudraRoy,ManikuntalaMukhopadhyay, Maitreyee -April 2020 Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 573
  • Prevalence of β-haemoglobinopathies in Eastern India and development of a novel formula for carrier detection.  SandipSaha, Shouriyo Ghosh, Maitreyee Bhattacharyya-September 2020 Journal of Hematopathology
  • Analysis of blood stream infections, antibiograms and clinical outcomes in haematological patients with febrile neutropenia: data from a tertiary care haematology institute in India. Shouriyo Ghosh, Mandira Chakraborty, SambitSamanta, Nilanjan Sinha, SandipSaha, Arnab Chattopadhyay, Siddhartha Sankar Ray, Maitreyee Bhattacharyya- November 2020 Annals of Haematology.

Research Activities(including thesis) :-

Serial no

Title of the research

Name of Investigator

Funding Agency


Determinants  Of Excess Alpha Globin Chain - As A Central Modifier Of Phenotypes In Beta Thalassaemia

Prof.Maitreyee Bhattacharyya

DBT, Govt of India


Prevalence and Phenotypic Expression of Macrothrombocytopenia in West Bengal

Dr. Sandeep Saha

Prof.Maitreyee Bhattacharyya

DST, Govt of W.B


Epidemiological study on anemia,  sickle cell disease & other mutant haemoglobins amongst the tribal community in West Bengal.

Prof .Maitreyee Bhattacharyya

A collaborative project

Tribal Development Department with Department of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of W.B



Image analysing of blood & plasma for the rapid detection of thalassaemia carrier

Prof.Maitreyee Bhattacharyya




Molecular Detection of Haemophilia

Prof.Maitreyee Bhattacharyya



Rare Beta Globin Gene Mutation In Thalassaemia

Prof .Maitreyee Bhattacharyya



Mutational Spectrum Associated With the AML Patients in W.B

Prof .Maitreyee Bhattacharyya


UG/PG/PD/Paramedical Class Schedule - Including Online :-

  • Classes on Monday, Wednesday,Friday which includes Journal club, Seminar and Clinical case presentation till October.
  • Regular classes in the institute started from November 2020.

PhD Prgramme :-

  • Two PhD students under Dr.Maitreyee Bhattacharyya- Sujana Biswas working on Beta Thalassemia and Rupali Sen working on effects of physical exercise on acute Leukaemia.

Quiz & Seminars, Journal, Club, etc(Total Number) :-

  • Journal club-40
  • Seminars-36

OPD - Days Faculty name daywiseSpecial Clinic (Day of the week) :-

  • Monday-Thalassemia/Haemophilia ( Dr.Maitreyee Bhattacharyya, Dr.S.S.ray, Dr.SambitSamanta)
  • Tuesday-General OPD (Dr.Maitreyee Bhattacharyya, Dr.SambitSamanta, Dr.SandeepSaha)
  • Wednesday-Leukemia( Dr.SambitSamanta, Dr.Nilanjan Sinha)
  • Thursday- General OPD (Dr.S.S.Ray, Dr.Nilanjan Sinha)
  • Friday- Myeloma Lymphoma Clinic (Dr.Maitreyee Bhattacharyya, Dr.SandeepSaha)
  • Saturday- CML ( Dr.S.S.Ray, Dr.Nilanjan Sinha, Dr.SambitSamanta) 

IPD Beds :-

  • 27 (MCH Building, 3rd Floor)

Bilding Name, Floor number & Bed number :-

  • MCH Building 3rd floor

Annual Report

All Faculty Details

Image Name Designation Educational Qualification Registration No.
Dr. Maitreyee Bhattacharyya Professor & Director MD (Med), DM (Clinical Haematology) 45161
Dr. Arnab Chattopadhyay Asso. Prof MD (Pathology) 54348
Dr. Sambit Kr. Samanta Asso. Prof MD (Medicine),DM (Clinical Haematology) 50566
Dr. Nilanjan Sinha Asstt. Prof MD (Medicine),DM (Clinical Haematology) 52867
Dr. Sumit Mitra Asstt. Prof MBBS,MD,DM 57558
Dr. Debdas Bose Asstt. Prof DM (Haemato Pathology) 55446
Dr. Kusumita Mandal Asstt. Prof MBBS,MD,DM 63696
Dr. Siddhartha Sankar Ray Professor MD (Pathology),DM (Clinical Haematology) 51244

All Residents

Image Name Details

All Non Teaching Staff

Image Name Details
Sanjib Kumar Maity Designation - Lab Tech, Email - maitysanjib64@gmail.com
Bimal Bose Designation - Lab Tech, Email - n.chilled@gmail.com
Anirban Aich Designation - Lab Tech, Email - aich.anirban@hotmail.com
Bivakananda Bhattacharyya Designation - Lab Tech, Email - bhattacharyavivekananda@gmail.com
Juin Banerjee Designation - Lab Tech, Email - juinbanerjee.mondal@gmailcom
Debolina Sinha Designation - Lab Tech, Email - debo97sinha@gmail.com
Indra Narayan Chowdhury Designation - LDC, Email - ichoudhury1@gmail.com

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